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  • Animations | Genome Editing

    Animations ​ Any comments on the animation? Place them after the videos (right top of the video, third emblem from top ) All Videos All Categories Play Video Play Video 02:20 Is heritable genome editing compatible with equality in an inclusive society? Heritable genome editing is being increasingly viewed as socially and morally acceptable so long as certain criteria are met. However, even despite these criteria, heritable genome editing may be in conflict with a progressive and inclusive society where all persons are considered equal. In this short animation, the Scottish Council on Human Bioethics presents philosophical arguments explaining why heritable genome editing may be at odds with equality in an inclusive society. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Additional Information ──────────────────────────── ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Articles ──────────────────────────── Calum MacKellar. (2019) Genome Modifying Reproductive Procedures and their Effects on Numerical Identity, The New Bioethics 25:2, pages 121-136: Calum MacKellar. (2021) Why human germline genome editing is incompatible with equality in an inclusive society. The New Bioethics 27:1, pages 19-29: Robert Sparrow. (2019) Human Germline Genome Editing: On the Nature of Our Reasons to Genome Edit, Published online: 19 Apr 2021, The American Journal of Bioethics: ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Social Media ──────────────────────────── ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Science Animated ──────────────────────────── ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ #HeritableGenomeEditing #InclusiveSociety #Equality ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Play Video Play Video 01:46 Gene/rationsCreators What is Germline Genome Editing? Play Video Play Video 02:26 SZENARIO INTERgeneRATIONAL Dieses Thema ist Ihnen sicher schon bekannt, denn im Jahr 2018 hatte ein chinesischer Forscher die ersten zwei Babys mit Gen-Manipulation produziert. Seit dem anfänglichen Entsetzen darüber, breitet sich eine konziliante Einstellung aus. Man fragt zunehmend, wann es kommen wird. Ob wir es überhaupt wollen, steht im Hintergrund. Ich möchte Ihnen folgendes Szenario unterbreiten.

  • Inclusive Deliberation: Examining the Future of Social Justice

    Social Justice and Human Rights Principles The Social Justice and Human Rights Principles for Global Deliberations on Heritable Human Genome Editing accentuates social justice, gender justice, disability rights, and human rights, intending to guide policy making through governments and also public engagement on germline genome editing. International Coalition To Stop Designer Babies Despite global outrage, the British government is now trying to overturn the legal ban on Human Genetic Editing (HGE) this year. HGE would create genetic changes with unpredictable long term effects which would be passed on to all future generations, affecting their human rights and intergenerational equity. ​ Stop Designer Babies (UK), Gen-ethisches Netzwerk (Germany) and Alliance for Human e Biotechnology (USA) drafted the following International Declaration Against Legalisation of Human Genetic Modification. They call on individuals, organisations and institutions to join them in the International Coalition (to be handed to the UN) to demand a global agreement banning human genetic editing and cloning, and to Stop Designer Babies. ​ Third International Summit on Human Genome Editing On March 6-8, 2023, the Third International Summit on Human Genome Editing was held in London. The first Summit was held in Washington DC (2015), the second in Hong Kong (2018). The current state of research on genome interventions and possible interventions in the human germline were being discussed. The presentations at the summit also shows that this was an opportunity to lobby for the introduction of germline genome editing. The organizer of the Summit Robin Lovell-Badge said as closing words that the clinical application of germline - i.e. heritable genome editing would be unacceptable at this point in time, and that we would need public discussions and political debates to clarify whether we want this germline genome editing at all. This is at odds with the fact that Robin Lovell-Badge is chairman of the organizing committee that is trying to change legislation in the UK to lift the ban on germline genome editing. ​ ​ Summary Full document Sign the Declaration watch videos Beyond the Summit The Centre for Genetics and Society (USA) organized a Zoom Summit (Feb 27 & 28, 2023) putting social justice and human rights in the center of the debates on Heritable Genome Editing. You will hear voices and perspectives of the civil society in these discussions. watch videos

  • Contact | Genome Editing

    Contact Site notice PUBLISHER University of Basel Petersplatz 1, P.O. Box 4001 Basel Switzerland. ​ TEXT & CONTENT The responsibility for the content of the website lies with: Corinne Othenin-Girard Department of Social Science Petersgraben 27 4051 Basel Switzerland GUARANTEE AND DISCLAIMER The University of Basel strives to ensure the information on its pages is accurate and up to date. However, it assumes no responsibility for the currency, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. It reserves the right to change or remove information at any time and without notice. Liability claims are thereby excluded. COPYRIGHT All online content (documents, web pages, and their components) on the University of Basel website are protected by copyright and may be copied and printed exclusively for private, scientific and non-commercial use. The University of Basel is not liable for material or immaterial damages arising from access to, use or non-use of the published information, by misuse of the connection or through technical faults. The University of Basel has not verified any external websites (those not on its servers or within its control) that may be linked to this website via hyperlinks and does not accept any responsibility for their content. Any duplication, reproduction, transmission or other use of information on this website for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. All permit applications must be submitted in writing to the University of Basel, Department of Social Science, Petersgraben 11, 4001 Basel, Switzerland, Individual rights that are under open or Creative Commons licenses can be used under the terms stated. A detailed overview of the terms and conditions of Creative Commons copyright licenses can be found > here Send Us a Message Submit Thanks for submitting! Rules Please abide by these Rules ​ 1. No offensive content 2. No trolling 3. No sharing of any copyrighted material 4. No spam 5. No advertising 6. Please be respectful ​ FAQ: What is happening to my comments? - T he comments are visible to all who navigate on this website. - The comments will also be used together with the bulk of the information on the Heritable Human Genome Editing (HHGE) for the creation of a theatre script.

  • Genome Editing | Inclusive Deliberation | Switzerland

    Will we design superhumans? What is Genome Editing? This on-line space offers a Forum for citizen deliberation on a controversial topic. Explore Forum join the discussion add comments

  • About | Inclusive Deliberation

    About Heritable Human Genome Editing What is it about? Heritable Human Genome Editing (HHGE), also called Human Germline Gene Editing, refers to molecular techniques which are used to alter DNA sequences in early-stage embryos or germ cells (sperm and egg cells). These modifications generated by this technique will affect all cells of the potential future child and also be passed on to future generations. The main argument in support of this technology is that it would be used to prevent the transmission of diseases from one generation to the other. Heritable Human Genome Editing (HHGE), does not treat, cure, or prevent disease in any living individual, though its intended use is the creation of embryos with altered genomes, which would also pass on their altered genes to future generations. The key question is therefore is it ethically acceptable to use this technology in order to "design" future babies? ​ In contrast Somatic Cell Genome Editing is performed in the non-reproductive of the and may contribute treat diseases in existing individuals. Changes made by somatic genome therapy are not be passed down to future generations. Somatic Cell Genome Editing will not be discussed in this Website. ​ ​ Why this HHGE Project? ​ This project is part of my dissertation: This website aims to engage the broad public in an interactive discussion about HGGE. This project offers the public the opportunity to learn about Germline Editing, discuss it online, and reflect on the societal implications of Germline Editing on the future of humanity. Zoom Conference : Various experts will cover different aspects of Heritable Human Germline Editing (HHGE). Participants will then discuss the potential societal implications of Germline Editing. Notes from the discussions will then be posted on the website. ​ HHGE poses many ethical and social challenges. Decisions on HHGE and its consequences should not be left to the scientists alone, but also must include the public. The public should not only be informed about HHGE but included in the decisions relating to the application of HHGE. ​ Reasons for public engagement ​ Inclusive public debate is required in order to strengthen democratic governance, and to allow the public to participate in the assessment of risk and benefit.

  • Links | Genome Editing| Inclusive Deliberation

    Links English 1 Gen-ethisches Netzwerk Das Gen-ethische Netzwerk beschäftigt seit 1986 kritisch Gen-, Bio- und Reproduktionstechnologien. "Die Entwicklung neuer Technologien hat nun erneut einen Hype um den Zugriff auf Genome ausgelöst. Basis der erneuerten Versprechen ist, dass nicht mehr „verändert“, sondern präzise „umgeschrieben“ wird." 2 Biorespect Biorespect setzt sich ein seit 1990 für die Erhaltung von Artenvielfalt und Lebensqualität in einer intakten Umwelt, frei von Gentech-Risken und für eine humanere Welt mit ethisch vertretbarer Medizin und Forschung. "Wir bleiben dabei: Jede Technologie muss sich daran messen lassen, wie sozial- und umweltverträglich sie ist!" ​ ​ 3 TA-SWISS Die Stiftung für Technologiefolgen-Abschätzung TA-SWISS untersucht mögliche Auswirkungen neuer Technologien. Welche Chancen sie bieten, und welche Risiken von ihnen ausgehen. Gesellschaftliche Debatten wird gefördert, hoffend auf demokratische Entscheidungsfindung. 4 Deutscher Bundestag Bericht Technikfolgenabschätzung (TA) Genome Editing am Menschen. "Bei denjenigen Vertreter/innen aus Wissenschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik, die sich (bisher) an der Debatte beteiligt haben, sieht eine Mehrzahl die Durchführung von Keimbahneingriffen (d. h. klinischen Studien am Menschen) derzeit und so lange als unvertretbar an, bis Probleme der Sicherheit gelöst sind und in einer breiten öffentlichen Debatte mögliche akzeptable Anwendungen identifiziert wurden." ​ Deutsch 1 The Nuffield Council on Bioethics The Nuffield Council on Bioethics is a UK-based independent body, which reports and analyses bioethical issues raised by new inventions in biological and medical research. In it's Genome Editing and Human Reproduction report (2018) the Nuffield Council expounded the principle of ‘social justice and solidarity’, stating that genome editing procedures “should be permitted only in circumstances in which it cannot reasonably be expected to produce or exacerbate social division or the unmitigated marginalization or disadvantage of groups within society” . (p.87) The Nuffield Council report may be accessed here: 2 Stop designer babies Stop Designer Babies is an international network of concerned citizens and activists seeking to prevent the legalisation and normalisation of designer babies, created following the news of the birth of the first GM babies in China. At present, they are based mainly in the UK and other European countries, and in the USA. 3 Centre for Genetics and Society The Centre for Genetics and Society is a non-profit organization working to encourage responsible uses and effective governance of human genetic and assisted reproductive technologies. A TED - talk by Marcy Darnovsky about Genome Editing. 4 WHO WHO Expert Advisory Committee on Developing Global Standards for Governance and Oversight of Human Genome Editing has written Recommendations for Human Genome Editing. They state that "human genome editing has great potential to improve human health and medicine. Potential benefits of human genome editing include new strategies for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of genetic disorders."

  • Forum | Genome Editing | Inclusive Deliberation

    To see this working, head to your live site. Categories All Posts My Posts Forum Join the discussion. Please add comments about Genome Editing. Kommentare erwünscht! Welcome To the posts Follow Views Posts 7 You can put your comments at the bottom of each post and participate in the discussion. Hier zu den Einträgen Follow Views Posts 7 Diskussion: Sie können Ihre Kommentare am Ende jedes der 7 Einträge einfügen. Forum - Frameless Where do I place my comments in the forum? Follow these steps: 1. Click " To the posts " on top 2. Select "What is it about?" 3. A list is of Posts is there, one below the other 4. Click on one Post where you would want to read the information and then write a comment 5. Write a comment after the "circled plus" 6. Click on publish 7. If you didn't sign up, do so now 8. Your comment will appear in the comment section Wo kann ich meine Kommentare einfügen? Gehen Sie folgendermaßen vor: 1. Klicken Sie oben auf "Hier zu den Einträgen ". 2. Klicken Sie "Um was geht es hier?" 3. Eine Liste von Beiträgen wird angezeigt. 4. Klicken Sie auf einen Beitrag, das Sie lesen und danach den Kommentar schreiben möchten. 5. Schreiben Sie einen Kommentar nach dem "eingekreisten Plus". 6. Klicken Sie auf veröffentlichen 7. Wenn Sie sich nicht angemeldet haben, tun Sie es jetzt 8. Ihr Kommentar wird im Kommentarbereich erscheinen

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